Any poker web site worth its salt offers [substantial|persuasive|significant|sizable] bonuses to entice casual players to sign up and invest their money with them. The most [popular|commonplace|prevalent|widespread] are those who offer to match the amount of your initial deposit subject to certain criteria being met - normally that you play so many raked hands within a certain period of time to [accumulate|assemble|collect|compile] points before the cash is released.
The obvious advantage to these schemes is the [perception|concept|view|thought] that it is "free money". For good players it is an added bonus and allows you to ultimately get into the higher stake games without [introducing|adding|infusing|injecting] too much of your own cash. For regular players still to make it into the higher [echelons|order|ranks|tier] of the poker world, it is an opportunity to extend your bankroll and gain valuable [experience|expertise|knowledge|wisdom]. And best of all, you can sign up to every site offering bonuses such as these, as there are rarely any exclusion clauses from preventing you from doing so.
One problem occurs when there is a fairly high amount of money [required|called for|needed|wanted] to invest in order to get on a site and try it out. Whereas you may be able to try the "play games" initially, what [happens|comes to pass|occurs|transpires] when you play for real, decide you do not like the site for any reason (ie insufficient players to provide a decent pot) and wish to pull out? You just have to walk away from the partial bonus you have [accrued|collected|built|accumulated] and get onto another site which offers you a better chance of winning some decent pots. Then, you are starting all over [again|once more|afresh|from scratch].
It is better to shop around and find a site that you are most [comfortable|relaxed|familiar|at ease] with. Compare the lobbies of the live games in different sites to see figures such as "hands per hour" and the average pot sizes before [deciding|choosing|determining|ascertaining] which is the site for you. There are other useful resources such as poker forums which will give you an indication of what you can expect, and this is invaluable [advice|information|guidance|counsel] for somebody just starting to get into the game for real.
It was mentioned earlier about the perception of free money, and this may lead to [recklessness|casualness|imprudence|thoughtlessness] when using it to stake games. Considering the bonus as somebody else's money might make you believe that it is not [important|relevant|disastrous|earthshaking] if you lose it. It is far better to consider it as an award for achieving a certain goal (as you would if you had won it at a table) and treat it as your own from day one. That way you will be more [cautious|calculating|prudent|thoughtful] when playing, play a tighter game and eventually come away all the richer.
Here ends the lesson - go forth and play poker! - 31897
The obvious advantage to these schemes is the [perception|concept|view|thought] that it is "free money". For good players it is an added bonus and allows you to ultimately get into the higher stake games without [introducing|adding|infusing|injecting] too much of your own cash. For regular players still to make it into the higher [echelons|order|ranks|tier] of the poker world, it is an opportunity to extend your bankroll and gain valuable [experience|expertise|knowledge|wisdom]. And best of all, you can sign up to every site offering bonuses such as these, as there are rarely any exclusion clauses from preventing you from doing so.
One problem occurs when there is a fairly high amount of money [required|called for|needed|wanted] to invest in order to get on a site and try it out. Whereas you may be able to try the "play games" initially, what [happens|comes to pass|occurs|transpires] when you play for real, decide you do not like the site for any reason (ie insufficient players to provide a decent pot) and wish to pull out? You just have to walk away from the partial bonus you have [accrued|collected|built|accumulated] and get onto another site which offers you a better chance of winning some decent pots. Then, you are starting all over [again|once more|afresh|from scratch].
It is better to shop around and find a site that you are most [comfortable|relaxed|familiar|at ease] with. Compare the lobbies of the live games in different sites to see figures such as "hands per hour" and the average pot sizes before [deciding|choosing|determining|ascertaining] which is the site for you. There are other useful resources such as poker forums which will give you an indication of what you can expect, and this is invaluable [advice|information|guidance|counsel] for somebody just starting to get into the game for real.
It was mentioned earlier about the perception of free money, and this may lead to [recklessness|casualness|imprudence|thoughtlessness] when using it to stake games. Considering the bonus as somebody else's money might make you believe that it is not [important|relevant|disastrous|earthshaking] if you lose it. It is far better to consider it as an award for achieving a certain goal (as you would if you had won it at a table) and treat it as your own from day one. That way you will be more [cautious|calculating|prudent|thoughtful] when playing, play a tighter game and eventually come away all the richer.
Here ends the lesson - go forth and play poker! - 31897